söndag 14 juli 2013

Interlude 7

You fucked me
made me insecure and then tricked me

I know what I want and I want it now
What someone wants someone gets
You want me, but I'm not free

Worse then me, you saw them
attack me and then went 'n'  fuck'd 'em
"I'm not gonna let you hurt me"
-then you emotionally rape me?
Do unto other's as
wait, you did this to me.

Three is the magic number
third time's the charm
well, now its done.

Is this what you want, what you get, what you're looking for?
I'll tell you what I want, really really want.
I want your future and to forget the past.

Time heals all wounds
time heals no wounds
there is no time, time is the measurement of
a state
becoming another
ever working (like a busy bee), never existing
the dimension a(n) (Newtonian) illusion
just like the empty vows of marriage you never got
That I was always ready to give
When they were meant to mean something
a thing.

Agnostics marriage
a show for who?

I Do.

Do. Did. Will do. hAVE done.

´Do you ?
Do you take?

Amor Vincit o.m.n.i.a when Et in Arcadia Ego.
Nosce te ipsum and 3 times 3 followed by three more.
I did what I did for you, whore

Doing this will help
doing this is healthy
This is the way to separate(!)
What do you see?
Did breaking the sky reveal the truth or just the fiction you believe in?
Nobody knows me, like you know, me. Yet you show me, you don't know me.
The remaining echoes of my words tell you more than the truth I would freely share
You don't care.

Is that fair? Empathy?
Are you there?
I don't want sympathy

I want you truly telling me.
What happened during strike two?
Do you realise what you put me through
before and after
workingclas(h) pos(h)wank
is that your answer, boo?

Push me away, want me to stay
Don't even know what's my way,
(dao, fool the way of no whey)

So this is where's we'z at.
this is the end
my dahrlin' friend
the end.

It's  not poetic, not really nor truly
we started us you ended us
there is always a way always all days no haze
ending time
Every(one) (k)new beginning
is a delicate time
Comes from some other
dnE sgninnigeb <<<

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